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Price Action Trading CoursePrice Action交易课程PriceAction价格行为分析法,即价格的行为动向本身就是我们的交易手段,文中简称PA作者Nial FullerCourse Outline-What you will leam课程大纲一你会学到些什么1.The concept of trading for profit...追求获利的交易概念2.Applying risk/reward with a winning edge运用有获利优势的风报技术3.What makes a good entry?哪些条件造就出好的入场点4.Price Action Setups-The Footprint of Money PA形态一资金轨迹5.3 trading setups that make consistent profit.能稳定获利的3个交易形态6.Market structure and repetitive pattems.市场结构和重复的形态7.Mapping market trends and finding key levels.测绘市场趋势和发现关键水位8.Following the path of least resistance.遵循最小阻力原则9.Best Price action Entry Setups最理想的PA入场形态10.The mental habits of winning traders.成功交易者的思维习惯11.Bringing it together to win.综合上述技巧去获胜Trading With The Odds On Your Side做高胜率的交易Aligning market momentum and price action is a definable edge for professional traders.There is anold saying that professional traders miss half the great moves in the market,and i whole heartedlyagree.市场动能和PA的配对结合是专业交易员所公认的交易利器。正如一句我打心底里认同的老话所说的:专业的交易者错过了市场中一半的大行情。1/73I have come to the conclusion after 6 years in the market that although there are price action signalsand trends occurring all the time,which often run opposite to one another,i can't define an edge bysimply trading 1 trading from condition or trigger.在市场经历了6个年头后我总结出来,尽管很多情况下都有着趋势和PA信号的发生,但它们却经常是相互矛盾的,我不能从一个因为满足某些条件而激发的简单的交易1来定义出一个交易利器。Ideally,I want to combine 2 parameters,often 3 or more,purely and simply because by using"confluence of signals"I can easily define an edge.理想的情况下,我希望能结合两个参数,通常是三个甚至更多,因为使用了“汇合信号”而显得纯粹和简单,这样我就能简单地定义出一个交易利器。Over time,I have noted that and equal amount of price action signals will occur in random chart areasas well as in alignment with trends or horizontal levels.随着时间的推移,我注意到,等量的PA信号会同样在随机的图表区域和趋势的调整水平处出现。I notice time and time again,my most profitable traders occur when i trade price action signals withinvery obvious trends,or from key areas in the marketEarly in my career I was obsessed with gettingon every great move in the market,until one day I realized,I needed to develop strict rules,even if thatmeant missing 5 to 10 trades per month.我一次又一次的注意到,我在明显的趋势中或者在关键水位位置根据PA信号进行的交易往往是我盈利最理想的交易。在我的交易生涯的早期,我迷恋于捕捉市场的每一次大行情,直到有一天我意识到,我需要制定出更严格的交易规则,即使这意味着每个月都会错过5至10个交易机会。So in summary,I define my edge in the market only after I see more than 1 of my entry rules align,enabling me to increase the odds of success.Furthermore,by doing this,I tend to find the marketmakes larger moves,because often,I am trading from major tuming points,or within natural mid termtrends.所以总结如下,我定义出我的交易利器是,发现超过1个以上的条件符合入场规则,这样可以增加成功的概率。而且,通过执行这样的交易规则,使我更能发现市场的大行情,因为我经常能在重要的拐点上进行交易,或者是很自然地交易在中期的趋势里。No magic here这里沒有魔法和捷径If your lucky enough to find some kind of Mechanical forex systems that work for several months,most of the time,these models end up falling apart in the future for enough time to wipe novicetraders out.This is why mechanical retail forex systems have no place in "real world trading".Theyare useless at best.2/73假如你有足够的幸运,发现了某种机械化外汇交易系统,并运行了数个月。通常,这些机械交易模型,会在一段足以把新手菜鸟扫地出门的时间之后,最终都将落得侧溃失效的下场。这就是为什么机城化外汇交易系统在“真实交易”中没有一席之地的原因。它们是最一无是处的。Most educators or systems teach nothing practical,they fill pages with "garbage"to make a quickbuck.They skip the very foundation of market analysis,they fail to teach methods which change withthe market,as well as fail to educate traders about price dynamics and price action.大多数的教学或系统是脱高实际的,他们用大篇幅的“垃圾”充斥版面来赚取快钱。他们跳过非常基础的市场分析,他们不单放弃去教导那些与市场进行交互的方法,也放弃了对交易者进行关于价格动态和价格行为方面的培训。When you seek a mentor,or a trading approach,you should not look for a system which has fixedrules.All great traders use some form of "discretion"and "gut feel".Don't expect to make thesame profitable trade tomorrow as you did today,each day,the market is different,no 2 setupsare the same.无论你是要寻求一个良师益友还是一个交易方法,都应该尽量避免刻舟求剑。所有杰出的交易员都是采取某种程度的“灵活性”和“直觉”的。不要指塑明天你一样能够采取今天所使用的方法去获利,每一天的市场都不一样,没有两片叶子是相同的。Trading logic remains the same,but ourselves,and the market does not Be prepared to continue toleam each day,as well as adapt your approach to suit market conditions.在交易逻辑上,存在相似的地方,但我们每一个人和市场在不同时空下都不尽相同。做好每一天都需要不断学习和进步的准备,以完普你的交易技能,从而适应市场的变化。If your truly still searching for some magical concrete systematic way to trade,your still in first gear.Ineed to get you to second gear,to move past being greedy and lazy minded,and lets learn some real假如你现在确实还在寻找那些神奇虞法般的交易方法的话,那你的交易级别还是一排挡哦!我要来帮助你把你的挡位提高到二挡,战胜和超越心理的责婪和懒情的头脑,学习一些真材实料,帮助自己赢得市场上的利润。There is no short cut to developing a trading strategy,there's no holy grail system,and there isnothing completely automated which retail traders will ever be able to put to use for an affordableprice.The large players will always hold the advantage,and our only chance it to learn how to ride theprice movement these large players create.完普交易策略没有快捷方式可走,圣杯不存在,没有一个价格实惠而又具有完全意义上的自动化交易系统供给零售交易者使用。那些主力、大、大玩家们始终保有着优势,而摆在我们面前唯一的道路就是学习如何去驾取这些大玩家们多制造出来的价格走势。3/73
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