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布林线在中国股市中的选股技巧约翰布林格一)布林线指标的介绍A)brin line indicator is introduced布林线指标,即BOLL指标,其英文全称是“Bolinger Bands'”,布林线(BOL山由约翰布林先生创造,其利用统计原理,求出股价的标准差及其信赖区间,从而确定股价的波动范围及未来走势,利用波带显示股价的安全高低价位,因而也被称为布林带。Brin line index,namely among indexes,the English full name is "Bolinger Bands",Mr Brin line(among)created by John Mr Brin,the use of statistics principle,the standard deviation of stockprice and its confidence interval,to determine the scope of the stock price fluctuations andfuture trend,using the wave band shows that the safety of the share price high and low price,and thus are also referred to as forest.布林指标属路径指标,是研判市场运动趋势的一种中长期技术分析工具。一般而言,市场的运动总是围绕某一价值中枢(如均线、成本线等)在一定的范围内变动,布林线指标指标正是在上述条件的基础上,引进了“价格通道”的概念,其认为市场价格通道的宽窄随着股价波动幅度的大小而变化,而且价格通道又具有变异性,它会随着市场价格的变化而自动调整。Brin index is a path index,is a kind of medium to long temm of market movement technicalanalysis tools.In general,the market movement is always around a central value (such asaverage line,cost,etc.)within a certain range of change,brin line indicator index is based on theabove conditions,the introduction of the concept of "price channel",argues that the marketprice of channel width changes with the size of the stock price volatility,and the price channeland variability,it will automatically adjust with the change of market prices.BOL是利用“价格通道”来显示市场价格的各种价位,当市场波动很小,处于盘整时,价格通道就会变窄,这可能预示着市场的波动处于暂时的平静期:当市场价格波动超出狭窄的价格通道的上轨时,预示着市场的异常激烈的向上波动即将开始:当市场价格波动超出狭窄的价格通道的下轨时,同样也预示着市场的异常激烈的向下波动将开始。Among "price channel"is used to display various level of market prices,when the marketvolatility is very small,are in a consolidation,narrow channel will,perhaps signifying the volatilityof the market in a temporary calm period;When the market price fluctuations beyond thenarrow price channel on the rail,indicates the market is fierce upward wave is about to begin.When the price of market price fluctuations beyond the narrow channel under the rail,alsoindicates the market is fierce downward fluctuations will begin.正是由于它具有灵活性、直观性和趋势性的特点,BOL指标渐渐成为投资者广为应用的市场上热门指标。Because it has the characteristics of flexibility,intuitive and trend,investors among indicatorsbecoming a widely popular on the market index.必须强调,布林线反映股价运行趋势和股价的高低是相对的,投资者作出投资判断还须综合参考股价的基本面和其他技术指标(包括价量配合,心理类指标,类比类指标)以及市场消息或其它关联数据。Must emphasize that Mr Brin line reflects the running trend in market prices and stock price isrelative,investors make investment decision must be comprehensive reference pricefundamentals and other technical indicators (including quantity,psychological indexes,analogyclass index)and market news,or other associated data.布林线的主要功能有四个:Brin line there are four main functions:1.布林线可以指示支撑和压力位置:1.Brin line can direct support and pressure position;2.布林线可以显示超买、超卖:2.Brin line can show overbought and oversold;3.布林线可以指示趋势:3.Brin line can indicate the trend;4.布林线具备通道功能。4.Brin line have channel function.BOLL指标的计算方法Among index calculation methodBOLL指标可因其计算周期不同而有日BOLL指标、周日BOL指标、年BOLL指标,计算的原理和方法一样。Among indicators to Japan because of their different computing cycle among indicators,amongindicators on Sunday,years among indicators,the principle and method of calculation.故以日BOL指标计算为例说明如下:The diumal among indicators calculated as an example to illustrate as follows:1.日B0LL指标的计算公式1.The day among index calculation formula中轨线=N日的移动平均线The rail line N day moving average上轨线=中轨线+两倍的标准差Rail line in the trajectory =two times the standard deviation下轨线=中轨线一两倍的标准差Under the rail line =-two times the standard deviation of the rail line2.日BOLL指标的计算过程2.Among index calculation process(1)计算MA(1)MAMA=N日内的收盘价之和÷NMA N days after the closing price of the sum of the present N(2)计算标准差MD(2)calculating the standard deviation of MDMD=平方根N日的(C一MA)的两次方之和除以NMD =(C-MA)of square root of N,N the sum of the two parties(3)计算MB、UP、DN线(3)calculation of MB,the UP and DN lineMB=(N-1)日的MAMB =(N -1),MAUP=MB+2X MDThe UP MB+2x MDDN=MB-2X MDDN=MB-2 x MDBOLL指标一共由三条线组成,即上轨线UP、中轨线MB、下轨线D。Among indexes altogether is composed of three lines,namely,rail line on the UP,middle rail lineMB,rail line under D.BOLL指标的一股研判标准Among indicators and to the general standard(一)BOL指标中的上、中、下轨线的意义(a)among indicators of the rail line,which meaning1、BOL指标中的上、中、下轨线所形成的价格通道的移动范围是不确定的,通道的上下限随着市场价格的上下波动而变化。在正常情况下,市场价格应始终处于价格通道内运行。如果市场价格脱离价格通道运行,则意味着行情处于极端的状态下。1,among indicators of the rail line,which formed by the moving range of price channel isuncertain,the channel of upper and lower with the fluctuating of the market price changes.Under normal circumstances,market prices should always be in the running time.If the marketprices from channel operation,means that the market is in a state of extreme.2、在BOL指标中,价格通道的上下轨是显示市场价格安全运行的最高价位和最低价位。上轨线、中轨线和下轨线都可以对市场的运行起到支撑作用,而上轨线和中轨线有时则会对市场的运行起到压力作用。2,in among indexes,the top and bottom rail of price channel is to show the safe operation of themarket price of the highest price and lowest price.On the rail line,the rail line and the trajectorycan be to support the operation of the market,and rail line in the trajectory and sometimes willbe pressure on the operation of the market.3、一般而言,当价格在布林线的中轨线上方运行时,表明市场处于强势趋势:当市场价格在布林线的中轨线下方运行时,表明市场处于弱势趋势。3,in general,when the price in brin line running above rail line,suggests that the market in astrong trend;When the market price in brin line operation of the rail line side,shows that themarket is weak trend.(二)BOLL指标中的上、中、下轨线之间的关系(2)among the indicators of the rail line,which the relationship between1、当布林线的上、中、下轨线同时向上运行时,表明市场强势特征非常明显,短期内将继续上涨,投资者应坚决持股做多。1,when brin line of the rail line,which run at the same time,suggests that the market strongcharacteristic is obvious,in the short term will continue to rise,investors should firmly holding todo more.2、当布林线的上、中、下轨线同时向下运行时,表明市场的弱势特征非常明显,短期内将继续下跌,投资者应坚决做空。2,when brin line of the rail line,which run down at the same time,suggests that the marketvulnerable characteristics are very obvious,in the short term will continue to fall,investorsshould firmly shorting.3、当布林线的上轨线向下运行,而中轨线和下轨线却还在向上运行时,表明市场处于整理态势之中。如果市场是处于长期上升趋势时,则表明市场是上涨途中的强势整理,投资者可以持多待涨或逢低做多:如果市场是处于长期下跌趋势时,则表明市场是下跌途中的弱
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