标题: 英文Stock Market Rules: 50 of the Most Widely Held Investment Third Edition [打印本页] 作者: Money 时间: 2017-12-24 19:47 标题: 英文Stock Market Rules: 50 of the Most Widely Held Investment Third Edition 本帖最后由 Money 于 2017-12-24 20:08 编辑
Stock Market Rules: The 50 Most Widely Held Investment Axioms Explained, Examined, and Exposed, Third Edition
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出版社: McGraw-Hill; 3 (2004年12月23日)
平装: 240页
语种: 英语
开本: 20开
ISBN: 0071445870
Unwritten rules of Wall Street--what works, what doesn't, and how investors can tell the differenceInvesting is governed by unofficial rules, passed to investors through brokers, the financial press, and even fellow investors. For more than a decade, in two previous editions, Stock Market Rules has helped investors separate the most valuable of these maxims from the meaningless and even potentially harmful. But with recent market turbulence and scandals blindsiding millions of investors, the time has come for a new, updated edition.
Stock Market Rules, Third Edition, is that book, an in-depth, up-to-date examination of the 50 axioms that will most help investors gain the edge in today's technologically supercharged markets. Investors needing authoritative, hands-on guidance will look to this updated edition for its:
Short sections covering the 50 most immediately useful rulesEasy-to-read yet analytical approach
Arrangement by research, strategy, and other major topic areas