
英文:Predicting the Markets of Tomorrow James P. O'Shaughnessy

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  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
本帖最后由 Money 于 2017-12-7 22:23 编辑

Predicting the Markets of Tomorrow: A Contrarian Investment Strategy for the Next Twenty Years Hardcover – March 2, 2006 by James P. O'Shaughnessy

  A unique and timely new wealth-building strategy from a legendary investment guruIn his national bestsellers How to Retire Rich and What Works on Wall Street, portfolio manager extraordinaire James P. O’Shaughnessy offered investors practical advice based on rigorous quantitative analysis—advice that has consistently beaten the market.
  But in a recent analysis of market data, O’Shaughnessy uncovered some astonishing trends not discussed in his previous books. The Markets of Tomorrow explains O’Shaughnessy’s new research and tells ordinary investors what they must do now to revamp their portfolios.
  According to O’Shaughnessy, the year 2000 marked the end of a twenty-year cycle that was dominated by the stocks of larger, fastergrowing companies like those in the S&P 500. In the new cycle, the stocks of small and midsize companies are the ones that will outperform the market, along with large company value stocks and intermediate term bonds. O’Shaughnessy describes the number crunching behind his analysis and then shows individual investors exactly how to select the right mix of investments and pick top-performing small and midcap stocks.
  The Markets of Tomorrow is a loud and clear call to action for every investor who doesn’t want to be left behind.



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