本帖最后由 Money 于 2018-2-10 16:46 编辑
The integrated solutions for Bodie, Kane, and Marcus’ Investments set the standard for graduate/MBA investments textbooks. The unifying theme is that security markets are nearly efficient, meaning that most securities are priced appropriately given their risk and return attributes. The content places greater emphasis on asset allocation and offers a much broader and deeper treatment of futures, options, and other derivative security markets than most investment texts. McGraw-Hill’s adaptive learning component, LearnSmart, provides assignable modules that help students master chapter core concepts and come to class more prepared. In addition, resources within Connect help students solve financial problems and apply what they’ve learned. Bodie Investments’ blend of practical and theoretical coverage combines with a complete digital solution to help your students achieve higher outcomes in the course.
Professor of finance and economics at the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies at the University of California, San Diego. He has been visiting professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo; Graduate School of Business, Harvard; Kennedy School of Government, Harvard; and research associate, National Bureau of Economic Research. An author of many articles in finance and management journals, Professor Kane’s research is mainly in corporate finance, portfolio management, and capital markets, most recently in the measurement of market volatility and pricing of options.
Part I Introduction
1 The Investment Environment
2 Asset Classes and Financial Instruments
3 How Securities are Traded
4 Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies
Part II Portfolio Theory and Practice
5 Risk, Return, and the Historical Record
6 Capital Allocation to Risky Assets
7 Optimal Risky Portfolios
8 Index Models
Part III Equilibrium in Capital Markets
9 The Capital Asset Pricing Model
10 Arbitrage Pricing Theory and Multifactor Models of Risk and Return
11 The Efficient Market Hypothesis
12 Behavioral Finance and Technical Analysis
13 Empirical Evidence on Security Returns
Part IV Fixed-Income Securities
14 Bond Prices and Yields
15 The Term Structure of Interest Rates
16 Managing Bond Portfolios
Part V Security Analysis
17 Macroeconomic and Industry Analysis
18 Equity Valuation Models
19 Financial Statement Analysis
Part VI Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives
20 Options Markets: Introduction
21 Option Valuation
22 Futures Markets
23 Futures, Swaps, and Risk Management
Part VII Applied Portfolio Management
24 Portfolio Performance Evaluation
25 International Diversification
26 Hedge Funds
27 The Theory of Active Portfolio Management
28 Investment Policy and the Framework of the CFA Institute
References to CFA Problems
Name Index
Subject Index
博迪《投资学》第十版Investments 10th edition by Zvi Bodie,Alex Kane ,Alan Marcus游客,本下载内容需要支付 2共享币,购买后显示下载链接立即支付
博迪的投资学第五版及其习题答案Investments--Bodie, Kane, Marcus 5ed游客,本下载内容需要支付 1共享币,购买后显示下载链接立即支付