
Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar价格图表解读:交易者用价格行为技术分析

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Al Brooks_Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar价格图表解读:交易者用价格行为技术分析 Al Brooks阿尔·布鲁克斯) 著
  While complex strategies and systems maywork for some traders, understanding price action is all you really need to succeed in this arena. Price action analysis is an effective app-roach to trading today's markets—whether you're involved in stocks, futures, or options. It allows you to focus on the process of trading without being overwhelmed by a complicated collection of trading techniques. And while this method may appear elementary, it can sig-nificantly enhance returns as well as minimize downside risk.
  One way to apply price action analysis to your trading endeavors is with chart patterns. Nobody understands this better than author Al Brooks, a technical analyst for Futures magazine and an independent trader for more than twenty years. Brooks discovered ten years ago that reading price charts without indicators proved to be the most simple, reliable, and profitable way for him to trade. Mastering that discipline is what made him consistently successful in trading. Now, with Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar, Brooks shares his extensive experience on how to read price action.
  At the end of the day, anyone can look at a chart, whether it is a candle chart for E-mini S&P 500 futures trading or a bar chart for stock trading, and see very clear entry and exit points. But doing this in real time is much more difficult. Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar will help youbecome proficient in the practice of reading price action—through the use of trendlines and trend channel lines, prior highs and lows, break-outs and failed breakouts, and other tools—and show you how this approach can improve the overall risk-reward ratio of your trades.
  Written with the serious trader in mind, this reliable resource addresses the essential elements of this discipline, including the importance of understanding every bar on a price chart, why particular patterns are reliable setups for trades, and how to locate entry and exit points as markets are trading in real time. Brooks focuses on five-minute candle charts to illustrate basic principles, but discusses daily and weekly charts as well. Along the way, he also explores intraday swing trades on several stocks and details option purchases based on daily charts—revealing how using price action alone can be the basis for this type of trading.
  There's no easy way to trade, but if you learn to read price charts, find reliable patterns, and get a feel for the market and time frame that suits your situation, you can make money. While price action trading doesn't require sophisticated software or an abundance of indicators, this straightforward approach can still put you in a better position to profit in almost any market. Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar will show you how.
  While new technology and complicated theories promise to take your trading to "the next level," the truth is that long-term success in this field is rooted in simplicity. That's why Al Brooks has created Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar.
  With this book, Brooks—a technical analyst for Futures magazine and an independent trader—demonstrates how applying price action analysis to chart patterns can help enhance returns and minimize downside risk. Along the way, you'll discover the importance of understanding every bar on a price chart, why particular patterns are reliable setups for trades, and how to locate entry and exit points as markets are trading in real time.
  Throughout these pages, some of the most useful tools for deciphering price action are covered in detail, including:
  Trendlines and trend channel lines
  Prior highs and lows
  Breakouts and failed breakouts
  The size of bodies and tails on candles
  The relationship between current bars to prior barsAnd much more
  Learning what the market is telling you can be difficult, but with the right approach, you can achieve this goal and capture consistent profits in the process. Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar has all the information you need to succeed at this endeavor and will put you in the best position possible to make the most of your time in today's turbulent markets.
  Al Brooks is a technical analysis contributor to Futures magazine and an independent day trader. Changing careers from ophthalmology to trading twenty years ago, he discovered consistent success and profitability as a trader once he developed his unique approach to reading price charts. He graduated from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine and received his BS in mathematics with honors from Trinity College.

Al Brooks_Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar
价格图表解读:交易者用价格行为技术分析 Al Brooks阿尔·布鲁克斯) 著




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xiaodao 发表于 2018-9-25 11:40:48 | 显示全部楼层


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Enoconn 发表于 2019-5-5 07:57:58 | 显示全部楼层
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yemmanuel 发表于 2019-5-7 00:18:56 | 显示全部楼层


TIANMU 发表于 2019-5-11 16:40:03 | 显示全部楼层
Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar价格图表解读:交易者用价格行为技术分析


gshygs703 发表于 2020-6-27 15:55:22 | 显示全部楼层


alphamind 发表于 2020-8-29 20:55:50 | 显示全部楼层
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