
外汇交易The Little Book of Currency Trading Kathy Lien

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外汇交易The Little Book of Currency Trading  Kathy Lien

  The Little Book of Currency Trading will show individuals how they can trade and invest in the biggest market in the world.?In todays crisis-prone financial markets, individuals no longer are locked into their home country currency; they can move money around to reduce risk and take advantage of global trends.?Currency expert Kathy Lien describes the multitude of profit opportunities possible in the forex market, from short-term price swings to long-term trends.?With the advent of currency-based ETFs, currencies can be traded just like stocks; and with the proliferation of online forex brokers, anyone can trade in and out of currencies, 24 hours a day, using a large amount of leverage, and with low transaction costs.?Lien explains the forces that drive currencies and provides strategies to profit from short-term volatility and long-term trends.?The Little Book of Currency Trading opens the world of currency trading and investing to everyone.
  Kathy Lien (New York, NY) is?Director of Currency Research for GFT Forex. ?She also runs an FX Signal Service, BKForex Advisor, with Boris Schlossberg one of the few investment advisory letters focusing strictly on the 3 Trillion/day FX market. Kathy is a Trader First, Analyst Second. She publishes both technical and fundamental research reports, market commentaries and trading strategies. Prior to joining GFT, Kathy was the Chief Strategist of DailyFX.com and worked in JPMorgan Chases Cross Markets and Foreign Exchange Trading groups using both technical and fundamental analysis to trade FX spot and options. She also has experience trading a number of products outside of FX, including interest rate derivatives, bonds, equities and futures. She has taught seminars around the world on day and swing trading the currency market.?Kathy is one of the authors of Investopedias Forex Education section and has written for Tradingmarkets.com, the Asia Times Online, Stocks & Commodities Magazine, MarketWatch, ActiveTrader Magazine, Currency Trader, Futures Magazine and SFO. She is frequently quoted by Bloomberg, Reuters, the Wall Street Journal, and the International Herald Tribune and has appeared on CNN, CNBC, CBS and Bloomberg Radio. She has also been on a few episodes of Wall Street Warriors, hosted trader chats on EliteTrader, eSignal and FXStreet, sharing her expertise in both technical and fundamental analysis.?Finally, Kathy is author of the first and second editions of Day Trading and Swing Trading the Currency Market (Wiley 2005, 2008) and Millionaire Traders (Wiley 2007).
  Chapter One: When Lightning Strikes
  The Worst Decade Ever
  The Eurozone Feels the Squeeze
  The Rise of Currencies
  Turning Headlines into Opportunities
  Chapter Two: Rubles and Bahts and Euros—Oh, My!
  Waking Up the “Local” Investor
  Dabbling in Foreign Markets
  Small-Business Owners and Financial Officers
  What’s Your Agenda?
  Chapter Three: The A to Zs of Forex
  Chapter Four: Step Right Up
  Picking the Right Products
  Finding a Broker
  Deciding What To Trade
  Chapter Five: Movers and Shakers
  The Big Stories
  The Direction of Interest Rates
  Economic Data
  Market Sentiment
  Technicals Matter, Too
  Chapter Six: The Investor versus the Trader
  Meet Andrew and Steven
  The Waiting Game of Taxi Drivers
  Are You Jack Shephard or John Locke?
  Chapter Seven: What All Winners Do
  Stay with the Trend
  Bag Your Winners Quickly
  Know When to Say No
  Chapter Eight: So You’re an Investor?
  Bollinger Band Basics
  Knowing When the Trend Has Exhausted
  Finding Value within a Trend
  Getting into a New Trend
  Chapter Nine: So You’re a Trader?
  Riding Momentum
  Sifting through the Headlines
  How Fast and Furious Trading Works
  Chapter Ten: Risky Business
  Sticking with High-Probability Trades
  If You’re a Short-Term Trader . . .
  The Key Is Yours
  Chapter Eleven: The Top 10 Mistakes
  Chapter Twelve: Greetings from Nigeria, Please Help!
  The Signal Provider Scam
  The Trading System Scam
  Managed Accounts or Managed Funds Scams
  More Scammers . . . Bucket Shop Brokers or Referring Parties
  Trust No One but Yourself
  Chapter Thirteen: Getting Down to Business
  Trading Is Not Your Hobby
  Start the Day Fresh
  Ready, Set, Plan!
  Know Your Loss Limit
  Chapter Fourteen: Crash, Burn, and Learn
  Lesson 1: Stick to Currencies with Smaller Spreads
  Lesson 2: Use the Right Stop
  Lesson 3: Pick the Right Time to Trade News
  A Warning about Fitting to Perfection
  Chapter Fifteen: Start Smart
  Author’s Disclaimer



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