
对冲基金Top Hedge Fund Investors-stories strategies and advice 2017

  • 地区:欧美
  • 格式:PDF
  • 文件大小:4M
  • 时间:
  • 类别:基金
  • 价格:免费
  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
  A professional's guide to the world of hedge fund investing
  Throughout the financial crisis of 2008, many hedge funds suffered massive losses and were often blamed for the extreme market upheavals. In the wake of the crisis, hedge funds remain a source of fascination for the media, legislators, and investors, mostly due to misunderstanding.
  Historically portrayed as risky investment funds for the very wealthy run by swashbuckling traders, the truth is hedge funds are simply an investment vehicle designed to generate superior returns and reduce an investor's overall portfolio risk.
  Investors have good reasons to remain fascinated with hedge funds. Although many individual funds have underperformed or collapsed, hedge funds as a whole have provided solid returns while reducing risks. Savvy institutions have invested in hedge funds for many years and have made them a large and powerful force in the markets. Investing in hedge funds requires sophisticated knowledge, understanding, skill, access, and experience. Individuals and institutions, whether they are new to hedge funds or need to improve, can find those attributes in the stories of the successful hedge fund investors profiled in Top Hedge Fund Investors: Stories, Strategies, and Advice.
  Top Hedge Fund Investors chronicles the challenges and rewards these investors face in selecting hedge fund managers, managing risks, and constructing portfolios. In revealing conversations, leading hedge fund investors who place hundreds of billions of dollars in hedge funds, share their philosophies, strategies, and advice.
  Profiles a variety of different investors from the pioneers in hedge fund investing to managers for high net-worth individuals and fund of funds investors
  Discusses winners and losers in the recent market decline, problematic hedge fund strategies, and how these current events will change future strategies
  Provides lessons, insights, and advice beneficial to all hedge fund investors
  Engaging and informative, Top Hedge Fund Investors will prove valuable to anyone involved in placing money with hedge funds, as well as hedge funds who seek to better understand their clients.




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